Friday 20 February 2009

February 2009 - Be the Shining Star you have always been

Dear ones, this is a time for heaviness for you and your planet. A time when you feel like you are sinking with solitude and negativity about your economies. How much worse can things get? More is to come we can tell you that. More job losses, more restructuring and reorganising of whole communities will follow; more time will be yours to reflect on the blessings you have in your life; more time to declutter your homes and minds.

There is a heaviness around you this month which needs to be cleared and emptied. You need to decide what's worth keeping and what needs to be binned. Physical items as well as emotional baggage can go. Imagine throwing it all out into a huge skip filled with pure white light. Imagine letting go of your baggage and trusting us to take care of it all for you; to transmute it all so that you are left feeling lighter and refreshed.

February is bringing in the early whisperings of Spring too. A new season to take away the heaviness of the winter. New light is now coming onto your planet. This light bears new energies of patience, fortitude, hope and joy. They will be spread over and amongst humankind like a mist that you walk through. You will not see this mist but your higher self will feel its pull, and your soul will leap with the joy these new energies bring to your heart. So long you have waited and now you begin to see in the transformation of your planet, your communities, your beliefs and attitudes. Physically you will begin to change too - walk taller, eat less, aspire to be the best you can be, and reach and join hands with that shining potential that already resides in you.

Dear ones, awaken from your dreary slumber and embrace these new gifts that come to you. For this is just the beginning. It is with joy and love that we give you this message - beloved children, your time to shine arrives and we stand by to see in your birthright. Be peaceful. Be blessed. Be the shining star that you have always been.
I am Metatron.