Friday 6 March 2009

March 2009 - Children of Light and the Earth, we bow down to the strength and endurance you show now

Dear ones, it is with joy and love that we give you this message. Let go of the heaviness surrounding your minds and hearts. Release your fears and worries to us, and think about the joy that is such an important part of you. You ask questions about your future security, your wellbeing and also where the current economic downturn will stop. These are natural questions when you are in a state of fear. Your fear cripples you seeing the seeds of change that begin to grow.

This is why we ask you to open yourself to the joy within you and look past the fear to welcome in the seeds of change. Changes in your attitude to living a happy and healthy life. Changes in how you open up to and communicate with Spirit. Changes in feeling and recognising the love that has always lived in your hearts. Dear ones, we are so proud of you for having the resilience to embrace the gifts within you. It is with joy and gratitude that we ask you look beyond the fog and embrace the goodness and love that reside within you; to help you with whatever hardship you may be feeling or thinking. We stretch out our hands to you, like a parent does to a child, and ask you to grasp them. For together we will soar. We will build a new humanity where there is justice, truth and integrity. See yourself for the godliness you carry within you. See and feel the light that burns so bright in you, and which has done so over so many lifetimes. Beloved children, we were with you back then too, and now we hold your hand today with love and compassion.

The false prophets continue to be unmasked. The corrupt and unjust practices within your societies continue to be uncovered. Further clearing is yet to come - of communities, your minds and hearts, houses, jobs, and corrupted and forgotten values. The lessons unfold for you. Those of you strong and confident enough will grab and assimilate this new knowledge. The others will follow through your pioneering teachings of these lessons.

Be ready to accept and embrace the learning and clearing that comes to you now. Mother Earth is cleansing herself too. Your bond is strong with Her. You are a part of Mother Earth. What you feel and endure; so does She. Respect this bond and strengthen it by recognising how dependent you are on each other. Children of Light and the Earth, we bow down to the strength and endurance you show now. We love you more for the way you are able to adapt and succeed at such times. We will continue to hold your hand and love you while you do God's work. Blessings. I am Metatron.