Monday 6 April 2009

I bring you the Christ Light as my gift to humankind

Beloved Children take a look around you at the wondrous things surrounding you. You choose not to look, listen or be part of the Earth. Instead, you choose to live your lives with heads bent down, hearts filled with heaviness, and minds racing ahead. We say to you 'wake up and smell the roses'. We know you will understand what this means.

Dear ones, it is time to embrace your new energies and indeed see, smell, touch, feel and love the world you inhabit. Both internally and externally, you will begin to feel the stirrings of new changes coming to the planet. There is golden light around you all. A light so bright that it transmutes all fears, all pain and darkness. Are you brave enough to embrace this light? To pull it towards you, step into it and cloak yourself in the wondrous energy it bears? Those of you who are awake or awakening will feel the nurturing of this light and gravitate towards to it. Others who are stirring may think something isn't quite right and catch a twinkle. Those who lie dormant will not feel anything; yet their higher selves will definitely know and guide them to it. This new light is permeating your planet for a reason. It brings purity, love and enhanced thinking for humankind. It is not a gift but your birthright to have.

Beloved children, no matter which stage your development is at, we ask you to embrace the light in whatever way you feel comfortable with. Take it into your hearts and nurture it. Let it engulf you in joy and love. Watch it grow over time. Never lose faith in the light within you. Never give up. For the light will lift and carry you in your darkest hour. It will sustain you at times when you feel empty and as if you have nothing left to give. It will guide you when all hope seems to have dimished. Dear ones. This is the Christ Light that we give you. The purest form of love that can fill you and fulfill you. Use it wisely. Use it without doubt or fear. Let yourself be filled with the ecstasy and bliss that the Christ Light carries. Know that you are always protected, loved, cherished by your creators and by those who watch over you.

I am Sananda. I bring you the Christ Light as my gift to humankind. You are frightened and in conflict. Open your hearts to me my children and be freed. You lose yourselves in petty arguments and scuffles. You waste precious energy on conflict and being caught in an ongoing cycle of unresolvedness. You know it isn't important but your egos get in the way, and bar you from being forgiving and compassionate. Old wounds you carry from many years and lifetimes. Old grievances too. Embrace the light. Be love. Feel love. Everything begins and ends here my children. I was the light at the beginning when your souls began their journeys. I am the light now. Embrace me. I am Sananda.