Sunday 10 May 2009

Open your heart and feel us within every cell in your body

We are with you as your hearts and minds are being cleared for the new energies that are entering your planet. Fear not dear ones, for this is how it has been planned. This is what you signed up for and now your true purpose becomes more clearer. You doubt your intuition and what your heart tells you. Open your hearts to receive the gifts we bring you from God. You are the special ones for you have chosen to be incarnated during these special times. Do not let negativity cloud your judgment and the truth that stares you in the face. A truth so bright and clear that you are afraid of its promise. Yes, you do deserve all the happiness you desire. Yes, there is more than enough for all humankind. No, it is not too good to be true. Believe dear ones. Please believe in yourselves and the gifts that come to you now.

Take a step and see through the fog that surrounds you. With heavy hearts and minds, you must tread through the darkness and make a hole in the fog to let in the light. For from this small hole shall emerge the glory of God’s light and you will be embraced by all the love you have wanted since your soul took its first steps on this planet. It is hard for you to believe in us and yourselves at this time. It is hard for you to reach out and feel our embrace and guidance. You feel much uncertainty and fear. The more this happens, the bigger the rift becomes between us dear ones. Smash down this rift and all other barriers by opening your hearts to us.

Open your heart and feel us within every cell in your body. Open your heart by breathing in, by saying you open your heart, by placing your hands over your heart and feeling our love within. Beloved children, when you open your hearts to us, you become at one with the divinity that exists in every single one of you. You begin to reclaim your birthright of happiness, abundance, peace and joy. Know that you are loved very much and protected by us. Know that whatever challenges you undergo now are for your higher good, and that we have not abandoned you. You are being challenged because you need to take the next step up and soar. The layers are being peeled off and you are becoming the shining light you have always been. Your divinity is rising and merging with us. All this by opening your heart little by little.

You are precious and wonderful. You are capable of so much and you have already endured and achieved so much. Think about all the strengths within you and how you have excelled in your lives. Do not think that your are not valued for this. We have always been watching you and commend you for your incredible strength and resilience. There is a point to all this – it is YOU. For without you there would be nothing. You give us hope and we ask that you honour yourselves every day. You are blessed and loved.