Thursday 6 August 2009

I am Metatron. I am to you all that you wish for in your hearts.

Dear Children of Light take a moment to breathe and feel what each breath signifies and means to you. What kind of message do you want to hear from me? Is it for comfort and reassurance? Is it with forcefulness and direct action? Do you want the divine to be present in your waking hours as well as when you sleep? Just how much do you want our intervention and guidance? Do you really know what it is you want from your lives?

I ask so many questions in order to stir your complacent hearts. Yes, you do become complacent from fear, recklessness, boredom and pain. This complacency can be destructive. It can hinder your ascension and development. Dear ones, you must keep moving with the changes that come your way. You create your own reality. If you remain still for too long, your breathe becomes shallow, your body stiffens and your mind darts around erratically. Control these. Detach from the hold of your mind and listen to me. I am telling you to move forward with our blessings; to trust that we are wherever you are and in whatever place you are. Do not use complacency as an excuse to bury your heads in the sand and ignore your birthright of happiness, peace and abundance.

This month of August has powerful and potent energies for you all. The whole of humankind is being effected by transitional new energies of hope, fear, pain, transmutation and letting go. In one way or another you are all feeling it. Do not sit back and surrender to complacency. Do not be stubborn and hold onto the old ways of life which are now outdated and do you no good. For if you do, you will be rocked by the energies. You have no choice but to 'enjoy the ride'. You will be forced to partake in the changes that come to you. The old and unnecessary need to be washed away for the new to take seed and begin to flourish.

Beloved children, let yourselves be cleansed in preparation for the new energies coming your way. Succumb to the changes and let change into all the stale old parts of your lives. Be joyful in knowing you are where you are mean to be. This is how it is meant to be. This is your time and place. Again, I say that we applaud your courage and resilience. For you are indeed courageous to live through such transitional and hope-filled times. You may feel alone in all this; yet we can see all the light bearing beings that constantly surround you and whisper in your ears. We are there to guide you and deep down your higher selves know that we are there for you. Be strong and wise. Be courageous and trusting of your power. Be the wonderful, tender human beings you are and accept our gifts with open hearts and arms. There is no fear where we are. There is no pain or sorrow. There is just love, light, God's shining light, and the light that shines from you with such ferocity that we are in awe of you over and over again.

I am Metatron. I am to you all that you wish for in your hearts. Embrace me and take shelter in my light. Blessings to you all beloved children.