Tuesday 14 July 2009

Be the light. Breathe the light. Take courage from it.

We are Michael, Metatron, Uriel and Raphael. Together we come to deliver to you this message. There is much light descending on your planet dear ones. There is much light that we bring to humankind, and much for us to do as a collective. This light we speak of is flowing in abundance around you all now. Rejoice dear ones for this light has been sent by God to heal and cleanse you. Those among you who are already on their spiritual paths will feel the difference the light brings - a feeling of optimism and joy. The others who are awakening will sense something is different; as if something truly wonderful is about to happen but they aren't sure what or when. This is your way of assimilating the light.

For in this light lies the glory and knowledge of God, the angles, and all the light beings that work with you. The reason we all bring this to you is because it is our collective duty to carry the light down and ensure it is received by humankind in all the different ways that you need to absorb it. Some of you will take the light through your heart; others will need convincing and we will work with you on the best way of imparting it.

It is so important that you embrace this light; for it will propel your spiritual growth. Take a deep breath and ask to feel the light around and within you. Now feel its message being given to you. Be very still dear ones and feel and hear the light. For each one of you, it will have a different meaning. Absorb the light and be absorbed by it. Become the light for truthfully at a higher level, you are the light. You have always shone brightly and will continue to do so.

Have no fear beloved children. Open your hearts and minds and claim what is rightfully yours. Be the light. Breathe the light. Take courage from it. Use it in your everyday chores and situations. Use it to do away with negativity. There is no secret or mystical truth in this. You are empowered to use the light for your higher good. Be brave and call on it when you need it; whether it's for a trivial thing or something more major.

We stand by you during these wondrous times of the Aquarian age. We so want you to succeed and evolve at so many levels. We cannot do it for you but ask that you at least try. We will then spring into action and back you all the way. Remember, the light is our gift you. Use it wisely and generously. It will never run out but grow stronger and powerful with continued use. Go in peace and bathe thine selves in the glorious light. We send you love and blessings.

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