Thursday 6 August 2009

I am Metatron. I am to you all that you wish for in your hearts.

Dear Children of Light take a moment to breathe and feel what each breath signifies and means to you. What kind of message do you want to hear from me? Is it for comfort and reassurance? Is it with forcefulness and direct action? Do you want the divine to be present in your waking hours as well as when you sleep? Just how much do you want our intervention and guidance? Do you really know what it is you want from your lives?

I ask so many questions in order to stir your complacent hearts. Yes, you do become complacent from fear, recklessness, boredom and pain. This complacency can be destructive. It can hinder your ascension and development. Dear ones, you must keep moving with the changes that come your way. You create your own reality. If you remain still for too long, your breathe becomes shallow, your body stiffens and your mind darts around erratically. Control these. Detach from the hold of your mind and listen to me. I am telling you to move forward with our blessings; to trust that we are wherever you are and in whatever place you are. Do not use complacency as an excuse to bury your heads in the sand and ignore your birthright of happiness, peace and abundance.

This month of August has powerful and potent energies for you all. The whole of humankind is being effected by transitional new energies of hope, fear, pain, transmutation and letting go. In one way or another you are all feeling it. Do not sit back and surrender to complacency. Do not be stubborn and hold onto the old ways of life which are now outdated and do you no good. For if you do, you will be rocked by the energies. You have no choice but to 'enjoy the ride'. You will be forced to partake in the changes that come to you. The old and unnecessary need to be washed away for the new to take seed and begin to flourish.

Beloved children, let yourselves be cleansed in preparation for the new energies coming your way. Succumb to the changes and let change into all the stale old parts of your lives. Be joyful in knowing you are where you are mean to be. This is how it is meant to be. This is your time and place. Again, I say that we applaud your courage and resilience. For you are indeed courageous to live through such transitional and hope-filled times. You may feel alone in all this; yet we can see all the light bearing beings that constantly surround you and whisper in your ears. We are there to guide you and deep down your higher selves know that we are there for you. Be strong and wise. Be courageous and trusting of your power. Be the wonderful, tender human beings you are and accept our gifts with open hearts and arms. There is no fear where we are. There is no pain or sorrow. There is just love, light, God's shining light, and the light that shines from you with such ferocity that we are in awe of you over and over again.

I am Metatron. I am to you all that you wish for in your hearts. Embrace me and take shelter in my light. Blessings to you all beloved children.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Be the light. Breathe the light. Take courage from it.

We are Michael, Metatron, Uriel and Raphael. Together we come to deliver to you this message. There is much light descending on your planet dear ones. There is much light that we bring to humankind, and much for us to do as a collective. This light we speak of is flowing in abundance around you all now. Rejoice dear ones for this light has been sent by God to heal and cleanse you. Those among you who are already on their spiritual paths will feel the difference the light brings - a feeling of optimism and joy. The others who are awakening will sense something is different; as if something truly wonderful is about to happen but they aren't sure what or when. This is your way of assimilating the light.

For in this light lies the glory and knowledge of God, the angles, and all the light beings that work with you. The reason we all bring this to you is because it is our collective duty to carry the light down and ensure it is received by humankind in all the different ways that you need to absorb it. Some of you will take the light through your heart; others will need convincing and we will work with you on the best way of imparting it.

It is so important that you embrace this light; for it will propel your spiritual growth. Take a deep breath and ask to feel the light around and within you. Now feel its message being given to you. Be very still dear ones and feel and hear the light. For each one of you, it will have a different meaning. Absorb the light and be absorbed by it. Become the light for truthfully at a higher level, you are the light. You have always shone brightly and will continue to do so.

Have no fear beloved children. Open your hearts and minds and claim what is rightfully yours. Be the light. Breathe the light. Take courage from it. Use it in your everyday chores and situations. Use it to do away with negativity. There is no secret or mystical truth in this. You are empowered to use the light for your higher good. Be brave and call on it when you need it; whether it's for a trivial thing or something more major.

We stand by you during these wondrous times of the Aquarian age. We so want you to succeed and evolve at so many levels. We cannot do it for you but ask that you at least try. We will then spring into action and back you all the way. Remember, the light is our gift you. Use it wisely and generously. It will never run out but grow stronger and powerful with continued use. Go in peace and bathe thine selves in the glorious light. We send you love and blessings.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Open your heart and feel us within every cell in your body

We are with you as your hearts and minds are being cleared for the new energies that are entering your planet. Fear not dear ones, for this is how it has been planned. This is what you signed up for and now your true purpose becomes more clearer. You doubt your intuition and what your heart tells you. Open your hearts to receive the gifts we bring you from God. You are the special ones for you have chosen to be incarnated during these special times. Do not let negativity cloud your judgment and the truth that stares you in the face. A truth so bright and clear that you are afraid of its promise. Yes, you do deserve all the happiness you desire. Yes, there is more than enough for all humankind. No, it is not too good to be true. Believe dear ones. Please believe in yourselves and the gifts that come to you now.

Take a step and see through the fog that surrounds you. With heavy hearts and minds, you must tread through the darkness and make a hole in the fog to let in the light. For from this small hole shall emerge the glory of God’s light and you will be embraced by all the love you have wanted since your soul took its first steps on this planet. It is hard for you to believe in us and yourselves at this time. It is hard for you to reach out and feel our embrace and guidance. You feel much uncertainty and fear. The more this happens, the bigger the rift becomes between us dear ones. Smash down this rift and all other barriers by opening your hearts to us.

Open your heart and feel us within every cell in your body. Open your heart by breathing in, by saying you open your heart, by placing your hands over your heart and feeling our love within. Beloved children, when you open your hearts to us, you become at one with the divinity that exists in every single one of you. You begin to reclaim your birthright of happiness, abundance, peace and joy. Know that you are loved very much and protected by us. Know that whatever challenges you undergo now are for your higher good, and that we have not abandoned you. You are being challenged because you need to take the next step up and soar. The layers are being peeled off and you are becoming the shining light you have always been. Your divinity is rising and merging with us. All this by opening your heart little by little.

You are precious and wonderful. You are capable of so much and you have already endured and achieved so much. Think about all the strengths within you and how you have excelled in your lives. Do not think that your are not valued for this. We have always been watching you and commend you for your incredible strength and resilience. There is a point to all this – it is YOU. For without you there would be nothing. You give us hope and we ask that you honour yourselves every day. You are blessed and loved.

Monday 6 April 2009

I bring you the Christ Light as my gift to humankind

Beloved Children take a look around you at the wondrous things surrounding you. You choose not to look, listen or be part of the Earth. Instead, you choose to live your lives with heads bent down, hearts filled with heaviness, and minds racing ahead. We say to you 'wake up and smell the roses'. We know you will understand what this means.

Dear ones, it is time to embrace your new energies and indeed see, smell, touch, feel and love the world you inhabit. Both internally and externally, you will begin to feel the stirrings of new changes coming to the planet. There is golden light around you all. A light so bright that it transmutes all fears, all pain and darkness. Are you brave enough to embrace this light? To pull it towards you, step into it and cloak yourself in the wondrous energy it bears? Those of you who are awake or awakening will feel the nurturing of this light and gravitate towards to it. Others who are stirring may think something isn't quite right and catch a twinkle. Those who lie dormant will not feel anything; yet their higher selves will definitely know and guide them to it. This new light is permeating your planet for a reason. It brings purity, love and enhanced thinking for humankind. It is not a gift but your birthright to have.

Beloved children, no matter which stage your development is at, we ask you to embrace the light in whatever way you feel comfortable with. Take it into your hearts and nurture it. Let it engulf you in joy and love. Watch it grow over time. Never lose faith in the light within you. Never give up. For the light will lift and carry you in your darkest hour. It will sustain you at times when you feel empty and as if you have nothing left to give. It will guide you when all hope seems to have dimished. Dear ones. This is the Christ Light that we give you. The purest form of love that can fill you and fulfill you. Use it wisely. Use it without doubt or fear. Let yourself be filled with the ecstasy and bliss that the Christ Light carries. Know that you are always protected, loved, cherished by your creators and by those who watch over you.

I am Sananda. I bring you the Christ Light as my gift to humankind. You are frightened and in conflict. Open your hearts to me my children and be freed. You lose yourselves in petty arguments and scuffles. You waste precious energy on conflict and being caught in an ongoing cycle of unresolvedness. You know it isn't important but your egos get in the way, and bar you from being forgiving and compassionate. Old wounds you carry from many years and lifetimes. Old grievances too. Embrace the light. Be love. Feel love. Everything begins and ends here my children. I was the light at the beginning when your souls began their journeys. I am the light now. Embrace me. I am Sananda.

Friday 6 March 2009

March 2009 - Children of Light and the Earth, we bow down to the strength and endurance you show now

Dear ones, it is with joy and love that we give you this message. Let go of the heaviness surrounding your minds and hearts. Release your fears and worries to us, and think about the joy that is such an important part of you. You ask questions about your future security, your wellbeing and also where the current economic downturn will stop. These are natural questions when you are in a state of fear. Your fear cripples you seeing the seeds of change that begin to grow.

This is why we ask you to open yourself to the joy within you and look past the fear to welcome in the seeds of change. Changes in your attitude to living a happy and healthy life. Changes in how you open up to and communicate with Spirit. Changes in feeling and recognising the love that has always lived in your hearts. Dear ones, we are so proud of you for having the resilience to embrace the gifts within you. It is with joy and gratitude that we ask you look beyond the fog and embrace the goodness and love that reside within you; to help you with whatever hardship you may be feeling or thinking. We stretch out our hands to you, like a parent does to a child, and ask you to grasp them. For together we will soar. We will build a new humanity where there is justice, truth and integrity. See yourself for the godliness you carry within you. See and feel the light that burns so bright in you, and which has done so over so many lifetimes. Beloved children, we were with you back then too, and now we hold your hand today with love and compassion.

The false prophets continue to be unmasked. The corrupt and unjust practices within your societies continue to be uncovered. Further clearing is yet to come - of communities, your minds and hearts, houses, jobs, and corrupted and forgotten values. The lessons unfold for you. Those of you strong and confident enough will grab and assimilate this new knowledge. The others will follow through your pioneering teachings of these lessons.

Be ready to accept and embrace the learning and clearing that comes to you now. Mother Earth is cleansing herself too. Your bond is strong with Her. You are a part of Mother Earth. What you feel and endure; so does She. Respect this bond and strengthen it by recognising how dependent you are on each other. Children of Light and the Earth, we bow down to the strength and endurance you show now. We love you more for the way you are able to adapt and succeed at such times. We will continue to hold your hand and love you while you do God's work. Blessings. I am Metatron.

Friday 20 February 2009

February 2009 - Be the Shining Star you have always been

Dear ones, this is a time for heaviness for you and your planet. A time when you feel like you are sinking with solitude and negativity about your economies. How much worse can things get? More is to come we can tell you that. More job losses, more restructuring and reorganising of whole communities will follow; more time will be yours to reflect on the blessings you have in your life; more time to declutter your homes and minds.

There is a heaviness around you this month which needs to be cleared and emptied. You need to decide what's worth keeping and what needs to be binned. Physical items as well as emotional baggage can go. Imagine throwing it all out into a huge skip filled with pure white light. Imagine letting go of your baggage and trusting us to take care of it all for you; to transmute it all so that you are left feeling lighter and refreshed.

February is bringing in the early whisperings of Spring too. A new season to take away the heaviness of the winter. New light is now coming onto your planet. This light bears new energies of patience, fortitude, hope and joy. They will be spread over and amongst humankind like a mist that you walk through. You will not see this mist but your higher self will feel its pull, and your soul will leap with the joy these new energies bring to your heart. So long you have waited and now you begin to see in the transformation of your planet, your communities, your beliefs and attitudes. Physically you will begin to change too - walk taller, eat less, aspire to be the best you can be, and reach and join hands with that shining potential that already resides in you.

Dear ones, awaken from your dreary slumber and embrace these new gifts that come to you. For this is just the beginning. It is with joy and love that we give you this message - beloved children, your time to shine arrives and we stand by to see in your birthright. Be peaceful. Be blessed. Be the shining star that you have always been.
I am Metatron.

Monday 10 November 2008

Come with us to that place which is strange yet familiar

Again, we ask you, what is it that you truly want? This isn't a casual question. It is something you will think about more and more in the coming days. This is because your higher selves are becoming aware of the possibilities that are opening up to you all. This is not a time to live in fear and solitude. You must not hide behind the negative words that currently fill your airwaves and newspapers. Do not succumb to the power of negativity, because you lower your own vibration. Not only that but you slow down your own progress and give your power away.

Beloved ones, look deep within the abyss of your minds and beyond if you are able to. You will find a place that is strange yet familiar. A place where you think you have been before but which unsettles you. Find this place within yourselves and sit in an area that feels comfortable to you. We ask you to open your minds and hearts to us, to God, to the light; for you at your soul level, know that we are all one and the same. In this sacred place open your hearts and minds to us. Call us in and imagine being bathed in a warm gentle light from head to toe. The light is golden, it warms your body and removes the heaviness from within you. Feel it washing over you and feel all the negativity and heaviness melt into the light, so that it becomes part of it.

Breathe in the warm golden light. Feel it travel into your lungs and expand into a golden orb in your heart chakra. Let this orb grow within you. As it gets brighter it fills every cell within you. It spreads into your arms and legs. It fills your head. The golden orb covers you both inside and out. Imagine you and the orb as one. Imagine the love, light, hope and security you feel within and around you. You and the light are one. Now imagine yourself projecting this light from your body to the world. Ask the light to engulf all that is dear to you and bring cleansing and happiness. You have become a beacon of shining white light. Feel the energy of the light, of your higher self as it projects the light to friends, families, communities, situations, old hurts, new dreams and so much more. Imagine yourself being healed, forgiven and full of so much hope that you think you are going to burst from happiness! Let these feelings wash over you. Take all you want from this sacred and familiar place. Become the light. Look beyond into what you truly desire from your life. If unsure, then ask us and we will guide you to find the answers. Take your fill from the golden orb and then release it from your heart chakra back into the sky.

Breathe deeply and come back within yourselves. Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the silence, the hope, peace and love you now feel. Feel the love and light in you; that is you. Dear ones, you are all so powerful and strong. You can do anything you want to. Go in peace and love. I am Metatron.