Monday 10 November 2008

Come with us to that place which is strange yet familiar

Again, we ask you, what is it that you truly want? This isn't a casual question. It is something you will think about more and more in the coming days. This is because your higher selves are becoming aware of the possibilities that are opening up to you all. This is not a time to live in fear and solitude. You must not hide behind the negative words that currently fill your airwaves and newspapers. Do not succumb to the power of negativity, because you lower your own vibration. Not only that but you slow down your own progress and give your power away.

Beloved ones, look deep within the abyss of your minds and beyond if you are able to. You will find a place that is strange yet familiar. A place where you think you have been before but which unsettles you. Find this place within yourselves and sit in an area that feels comfortable to you. We ask you to open your minds and hearts to us, to God, to the light; for you at your soul level, know that we are all one and the same. In this sacred place open your hearts and minds to us. Call us in and imagine being bathed in a warm gentle light from head to toe. The light is golden, it warms your body and removes the heaviness from within you. Feel it washing over you and feel all the negativity and heaviness melt into the light, so that it becomes part of it.

Breathe in the warm golden light. Feel it travel into your lungs and expand into a golden orb in your heart chakra. Let this orb grow within you. As it gets brighter it fills every cell within you. It spreads into your arms and legs. It fills your head. The golden orb covers you both inside and out. Imagine you and the orb as one. Imagine the love, light, hope and security you feel within and around you. You and the light are one. Now imagine yourself projecting this light from your body to the world. Ask the light to engulf all that is dear to you and bring cleansing and happiness. You have become a beacon of shining white light. Feel the energy of the light, of your higher self as it projects the light to friends, families, communities, situations, old hurts, new dreams and so much more. Imagine yourself being healed, forgiven and full of so much hope that you think you are going to burst from happiness! Let these feelings wash over you. Take all you want from this sacred and familiar place. Become the light. Look beyond into what you truly desire from your life. If unsure, then ask us and we will guide you to find the answers. Take your fill from the golden orb and then release it from your heart chakra back into the sky.

Breathe deeply and come back within yourselves. Enjoy the moment. Enjoy the silence, the hope, peace and love you now feel. Feel the love and light in you; that is you. Dear ones, you are all so powerful and strong. You can do anything you want to. Go in peace and love. I am Metatron.

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