Friday 7 November 2008

Do you know what you truly want?

Dear ones, I come to you at a time of solitude and reflection. You need to turn your thoughts to what it is you now want from your life. It is indeed a time for reflection. For mankind is undergoing phenomenal changes in the way you live, think and respond to each other. These are exciting times; not fearful and uncertain as it may outwardly seem.

We ask you to seize this moment of calm and reflection to think back to who you truly are; what you think your purpose is on this planet; why you think you are here. Do not be afraid for you are children of God. You are special because you have chosen to be here during momentous times. Feel the new energies around you. Welcome them in with open hearts. Instead of worrying about the future and giving into all the doom you hear in your media, ask yourself what you can be doing for your happiness right now. What is it that your heart truly desires? Do you even know what you want to make you happy? That elusive remedy that will make everything alright. Well, we will gladly support you but beloved children, you must first have crystal clear intentions about what you truly want; not what you think you want.

Once you have decided, then it is easy. Believe in your goals and ambitions; imagine them to be already yours. Call on us, the Archaeons, to support you. We will be there for you. Have faith in yourself and your goals. Have faith in us. Then wait to see the changes begin to happen for you. Do not waver in your belief and certainty. Try it. Keep doing it and see what happens. For some of you, this will be a test of how badly you want to achieve your goals, and how hard you are willing to believe in yourself. For you see, by believing, you immediately start the process for your goals to become actual and come to fruition. The universe hears you.

So, we urge you to use this time of reflection and solitude to ask for your true desires and be committed to truly wanting them. Believe in the power of You to make your dreams come true. You all have the light within you to do anything you choose to. Know this power and use it for your higher good now. Do not be fearful or question whether happiness will ever be yours. Do not feel that you are undeserving of happiness. Know that happiness comes from love; open your hearts to love and learn to love yourself, your family, your environment, all that is around you. Be loving and you will become loved. You will be surprised by just how happy this make you. Blessings.

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