Sunday 2 November 2008

Opening Message from Metatron

Dear Ones, I come to you at a time when the hearts of mankind are heavy with fear and worry. Indeed, changes come to you. Changes that will make you sit up and think about why and how you do things. You see uncertainty around you and ahead of you. Yet, these are exciting times. Look within you and see what nestles there. See how your higher soul communicates with you and listen to that voice which you normally ignore or push past you.

For this is a time of change and when you can fully open up your true potential. For some of you, challenges and life changing events lie ahead. But from these events you will surface and rebuild your lives, your values, your whole reason for being here. It has begun for many of you already. The false prophets who have been around you begin to exit and dwindle. There is hope again in your lives like a refreshing new wind that caresses your cheek and then goes onto its journey. Dear ones, your journey is here. Climb aboard and enjoy the ride!

Many of you will awaken to new ways of thinking. You will question why and not be so trusting of your governments and financial institutions. You will realise that the love and life you had before you became a work horse will return again. You will remember to love and laugh again; to share with your friends, family and neighbours; to listen and act on your instincts. You feel freer, lighter, brighter. Learn to forgive yourselves, and release the fear and worries that are your blockages. Know always that we guard you and surround you with our love and light. Call on me, Metatron, and I will come to you. I will help you and guide you through these changing times.

Beloved ones, I bring you hope, light and blessings from God. I am Metatron.

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