Monday 3 November 2008

You all carry a piece of God's light within you

Is it right to struggle so against your own instincts and what you know to be true? This is common to mankind since history began. You have always been stubborn, inquisitive, go-getting. Mankind is beautiful and destructive at the same time. Your egos get in the way of most of what you do or try to achieve.

Ego is that which is stubborn, dark and unbending. Ego is your downfall. Yet you believe so much in your own ego. Imagine putting that same self belief in the light. Then you would flourish and shine before us, before God. Dear ones, ego was given to you to teach you the lessons you all signed up for. Do not let it rule life. Do not let it become your be-all and end-all. See beyond the ego and you will see us, and the light that shines within you.

It makes us so happy to see you have these moments of epiphany. When you suddenly become aware of your higher self and the light that resides within you. For dear ones, this is the light of the universe that you carry. Yet your ego stops you from seeing it and recognising it. "Why would it happen to me - nothing good ever happens to me! I'm never that lucky. That kind of thing only happens to other people." Sound familiar? Well, this is your ego telling you how useless you are.

Beloved children, walk past the ego and spend a little time with the light within you. Then you will see and feel its brightness; you will become enfolded in its love and compassion; you will wake up to us, to that amazing light-bearing being that each and everyone of you is. Walk past fear, ego, negativity. Do not give these any further power by acknowledging them. Focus on you and your strengths. Be kind to yourself. Show love, gratitude and compassion to yourself. For you deserve it and have a duty to honour yourself. We know it is not easy. We know you struggle every day against those who rubbish you; against your own self perception and the negativity that you have carried with you all your life, and what you have also brought with you from the past.

Yet, you can set yourself free by embracing the goodness and love within you. Dear ones, you are worthy, you are loved, you are special. It makes us so proud to see you awakening to your inner light. We admire you for enduring so much to get this far. Beloved children, know that I, Metatron, reside within the light that you see and are part of. You all carry a piece of God's light within you. Do not lose it again. Embrace the light dear ones. I send you love and light. There is nothing fear. I am Metatron.

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